In many cities in China you can find a stand that (judging by its merchandise) could be run by a member of the Addams Family. Dried snakes, fried spiders and centipedes… Creatures in all possible creepy shapes and forms. What to choose? For today’s supper let’s help ourselves to fried black scorpion. Check how to eat it.
Once again you’ve found yourself roaming through the night market in search of something extraordinary to eat. It would be hard to find anything more unusual than the stand with fried bugs. So it looks like the place for this day’s supper has been decided. Only problem left is what to choose. Spiders look interesting but price 80 RMB for one is quite discouraging. You recall that last time you’ve tried little fried scorpions and that they were one of the best things you’ve eaten in China. So... how about another scorpion (just big, black one this time)? Let’s go for it!
How to eat it? - Whole. No kidding. There’s no special technique. Just bite on it.
How does it taste? – Not so great to be frank. It’s very bitter. Not mention that its carapace is very hard to chew. Honestly – this snack you can easily skip. Not worth the money. If you won’t to try something peculiar while in China go for little brown scorpions. They’re really delicious.
How to eat it? - Whole. No kidding. There’s no special technique. Just bite on it.
How does it taste? – Not so great to be frank. It’s very bitter. Not mention that its carapace is very hard to chew. Honestly – this snack you can easily skip. Not worth the money. If you won’t to try something peculiar while in China go for little brown scorpions. They’re really delicious.